Term life insurance

Looking for a cost-effective and flexible solution that offers a Financial cover to your loved ones against death? Globe Integrity’s guaranteed term life insurance is the ideal, safe, and efficient plan for providing financial cover to your loved ones in the event of your death. Term life insurance Provides affordable premiums and personalized term lengths like 20-year Term life insurance, giving the policyholder’s beneficiaries An adequate life cover.
These policies range from 10 to 30 Year term life insurance and have multiple conversion options making it the ideal choice for those looking for a reliable financial cover for their family.

Comprehensive Guide To Term Life Insurance

Dubbed the simplest form of insurance, increasing term life insurance covers educational costs, replacement of lost income, and outstanding debts. In simple terms, most term life insurance policies are level Premium wherein the monthly premium stays the same for the full term of the policy. Moreover, Globe Integrity’s guaranteed term life insurance also includes riders and add-ons to elevate coverage such as critical illness riders, Accidental disability riders, to offer financial security in unforeseen situations.

Term life insurance

Hope for the Best,
Prepare for the Worst

Advantages for you

  • Tax Benefits.

  • Payment Flexibility.

  • Life Cover & Death Benefit.

  • Return of Premium.

  • Simple

    Term life insurance is a straightforward policy and Globe Integrity offers the benefit of a quick and user-friendly application process.

  • Financial

    Globe Integrity’s guaranteed term life insurance delivers financial security to the policyholder’s beneficiaries upon the holder’s demise, addressing immediate financial requirements as a safety net.

  • High Protection At
    Low Premium

    Increasing term life insurance offers significant financial coverage at low premiums. Additionally, it is easy to access and avail of through Globe Integrity.

Connect With Our Coverage Experts!

Still have doubts regarding term life insurance? Worry not, our insurance experts will solve all your queries and help you choose the ideal group term life insurance plan. Connect with Globe Integrity to know all about guaranteed term life insurance plans.

Term life insurance